Super heavy-lift launch vehicle

Super heavy-lift launch vehicle

A super heavy-lift launch vehicle is a rocket that can lift to low Earth orbit a "super heavy payload", which is defined as more than 50 metric tons by the United States and as more than 100 metric tons by Russia. Wikipedia
Building: Starship; Long March 9; Long March 10; Yenisei
Built: 1967–
Capacity: >50 metric tons (NASA); >100 metric tons (Russia)
On order: Falcon Heavy; Space Launch System
Propulsion: Various liquid-fueled engines and solid motors

重型火箭 from zh.wikipedia.org
重型运载火箭(英语:Super heavy-lift launch vehicle)是指一种具备50,000公斤(110,000磅)或以上近地轨道有效载荷能力的运载火箭。重型运载火箭属于目前运载火箭中 ...
重型火箭 from zh.wikipedia.org
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Feb 7, 2018 · 怎样才算得上“重型火箭”?根据美国航天局网站的定义,一般来讲重型运载火箭的有效载荷较大。如有史以来最强大的“土星5号”火箭可将超过100吨载荷送入近 ...
重型火箭 from www.cnsa.gov.cn
May 15, 2019 · “猎鹰重型”火箭是从肯尼迪航天中心发射的。它全长70米,最大直径12.2米,起飞质量1420吨,每次重复使用第一级火箭的发射价格为9000万美元,一次性使用第一 ...
重型火箭 from zhuanlan.zhihu.com
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